
07900 910619


Opening Hours

Mon - Thur: 5:30PM - 9PM, Fri 4PM - 8:30PM , Sat/Sun 9AM - 6PM

Why choose OHT?

Treatments tailored to you, to suit your individual needs.

Environmentally and vegan friendly products.

Qualified therapist, who undertakes continual professional training in order to provide the highest quality service.

Hygienic, bespoke, modern facilities.

On-site parking.

"Male clients welcome, by personal referral."

OHT Studio

Newly built treatment room based in Waterlooville

OHT Studio

Treatments & Prices

Specialising in a variety of Massage techniques & Holistic treatments

Details & Pricelist
Treatments & Prices

Federation of Holistic Therapists

Federation of Holistic Therapists

Tropic Skincare Products & info

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Here's What My Customers Think

I make sure that every customer leaves relaxed and happy. Here is what some of my clients have said.

A little about me

When I was diagnosed with IBS and then lymphoedema, “wellness” and managing symptoms became a priority for me. I explored complementary therapy treatments, which subsequently ignited my passion to help others seeking relief and respite. I am a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists and the Guild of Holistic Therapists. Holistic therapy aims to prevent ill health from occurring in the first place, by promoting wellbeing as the key to health and wellness. I adopt a client led approach and tailor treatments according to individual needs/requirements. Massage is one of the best ways to reduce stress (by reducing the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone). It increases circulation and lymphatic flow and assists relaxation, both physically and mentally, whilst easing aches and pains. Massage is incorporated into every treatment I provide. I’m originally from Australia and having access to nature and outdoor space is so important for my wellbeing. I wanted to create a bespoke sanctuary for clients, so in 2021 I built a treatment room in my garden (once an orchard); a space that provides a tranquil, restorative, retreat - without time constraints and ticking clocks! If you have any queries or would like to book an appointment, please get in touch.

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Guest Blog by Michael Wheatley - Psychotherapy